The LWC-S team successfully conducted a two-day workshop for P&G’s Medical & Technical Affairs Team in March 2023. This workshop participants were medical practitioners and experts from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, India, and South America.
The objective of this workshop was introduce Design Thinking, leading to preliminary ideation based on pain points identified by each team.
1. Empathy
The Empathy Toy is a tactile puzzle that was used in this workshop to build a sense of empathy. Participants worked together to assemble the toy based solely on verbal instructions while being blindfolded. This exercise emphasised the importance of clear communication and understanding others’ perspectives without relying on visual cues. This gave the participants a deeper appreciation for empathy in a fun manner, foster empathy by experiencing the challenges of non-visual communication.
Through crafted personas and user journey maps, each team then crafted the “How Might We” statement – identifying the target user, scoping the team’s project focus, and aligning on ideal intended outcomes. By deep diving into the needs of patients, each team took one step further in the empathetic approach to experience a specific process or service as a patient of a particular condition.
2. Ideation
The objective of this brainstorming was to “perform under pressure”. Producing 1 idea in 1 minute, each team first did rapid ideation for their own teams before switching over to the next team, rotating around the room. By ideating for other teams, each participant was able to expand and create in a fast but collaborative manner that encouraged them to bounce ideas off of each other.
Using a Prioritisation Matrix, each team then brought it back to the main focus, ensuring the ideas they generated were addressing the “How Might We” statement. Through an in depth team discussion, each member shared their thoughts on which ideas best fit their goals, objectives and intented outcomes that link back to the pain points of their persona.
The last activity to wrap up this workshop was to create a concept. Each team developed one or several ideas combined together to develop a concept. Through sketches, diagrams and descriptions, each team visualised how their persona would interact with the improved user experience.
This workshop led to a studio with P&G in Jakarta, Indonesia during the third quarter of 2023, fostering valuable cross-regional partnerships and innovations.
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