This studio was in collaboration with P&G Singapore and Jakarta, focused on understanding consumers in Indonesia with regards to Topical Decongestants. The team first attended sharing sessions from different leads in P&G to understand all the research that had been collated in the past. This provided neccesary context and background for the team.
A unique approach was taken for this studio, focusing not only on the perspectives of consumers but also including the services providers at pharmacies who are mainly healthcare professionals. In Jakarta, the team conducted observation sessions in various pharmacies, speaking to the healthcare professionals to understand the interactions that take place when interacting with customers.
The team also conducted focus group sessions in collaboration with a team from P&G Singapore and Jakarta, speaking to both consumers and healthcare professionals to better understand their perceptions, needs and factors that lead each individual to make decisions. These respondents included doctors, pharmacists, pharmacist assistants, married individuals with families, and singles. The collaborative team was then able to gain in depth insight into the consumer and service provider perspectives, and crafted new strategic concepts that address the pain points and challenges that surfaced. These concepts were then tested later with the same respondents from the focus group session.
These insights were then used to support plans of production for first-round testing of new concepts in Jakarta.
The LWC-S team successfully conducted a two-day workshop for P&G’s Medical & Technical Affairs Team in March 2023. This workshop participants were medical practitioners and experts from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, India, and South America. The objective of this workshop was introduce Design Thinking, leading to preliminary ideation based on pain points identified by each […]
This studio was a learning pilot with Duracell involving the use of Design Thinking principles to understand the role a Battery plays in the lives of Japanese millennial consumers, understanding their perceptions on batteries and preferences towards battery brands. A multi-disciplinary group of students flew to Tokyo to interview respondents recruited by Ipsos Japan. By […]
This studio targeted the eldery consumer group, focused on leveraging Design Thinking principles to understand their current lifestyle trends with regards to eating and cooking habits at home, and the impact of these habits surrounding challenges faced in kitchen and dish care cleaning. The multi-disciplinary team conducted in depth interviews and home observation sessions to […]