Image June to December 2018

Tokyo Study Trip – 19 to 24 Jun 2018

Batteries in the Lives of Japanese Millennials

This studio was a learning pilot with Duracell involving the use of Design Thinking principles to understand the role a Battery plays in the lives of Japanese millennial consumers, understanding their perceptions on batteries and preferences towards battery brands.

A multi-disciplinary group of students flew to Tokyo to interview respondents recruited by Ipsos Japan. By conducting in depth interviews, the studio team was able to hear firsthand the interviewees persepctives and experiences, gaining useful insight into their interactions with batteries in their daily lives. The team also conducted site observations across convenience stores and supermarkets to check out store battery displays and common battery brands sold.

Students then collated interview insights and observation findings, brainstorming and ideating possible concepts and marketing strategies for Duracell.


These concepts were then presented to Duracell in support of  breaking into the Japanese market.