Design thinking – The Antagonist for the Devil’s Advocate The talk, by Miss Claire Ng, facilitator with LWC-S and course manager of Diploma in Chemical Engineering, introduced how design thinking has become one of the key initiatives in Singapore Polytechnic, and how it culminates to the formation of LWCS.
LWCS Executive Director Mr Goh shared on Creative Active Ageing Solutions through “Naïve Innovation” during RINC 2012.
Healthcare Innovators Forum 2012 – A Pulse on the Future, held at RWS.
Envisioning the 50+ Consumer of Tomorrow: A Future Forum
The 6-day workshop involves 20 NTUC U-Live community members and 20 SP multidisciplinary students. The workshop pays special attention to the idea of travelling, and to the expectations of what is an appropriate sense of arrival. The challenge is not about creating the most innovative products but to suggest the most meaningful experiences you envision […]
Professor Craig Vogel and LWC Executive Director Linda Dunseath conducted a workshop at the Excellence in Teaching and Training Convention at Singapore Polytechnic. The workshop described how design thinking can help to strengthen a company’s brand equity and make its products more competitive, cost effective, and grow market share. Using case studies from industry and […]
The workshop match-made 9 SP Engineering Scholars with 2 seniors to work on designs that helps senior users in their daily lives. The workshop allows the SP students to listen (and they will listen) who the 50+ really are, what they need, want and desire and to be able to influence the design of their […]
As part of SingTel Group affiliates’ workshop organized by the Monitor Group (an international Strategy Consultant Firm employed by SingTel to train their senior executives), the participants joined in the LWC-S students team for part of the Design Thinking workshop conducted as preparation for the Boeing Studio 2 workshop. LWC-S shared the process of Design […]
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