LWC-S & SP participated in the 3-day Expo held in April 2011 at Suntec City. The Expo targets the aged 50 and above visitors and is an annual event. We showcased various projects prototypes produced during the various multidisciplinary workshops and collaborations held in SP.
LWC-S hosted the 10th InnoAge forum providing 2 speakers Mr Dan Sims, Associate Director of Design P&G and Mr Goh Siak Koon, Executive Director who spoke on how Design Thinking is relevant to the 50+. Participants from various institutions, companies and related groups turned up for the event.
As part of LWC-S’s plan to engage and establish contacts and conversations with establishments in the Asia Pacific region, LWC-S visited the following sites in Hong Kong and Taiwan: HK – Jockey Club Cadenza Hub HK – Cadenza Elder-Friendly Employment Practice HK – Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing HK – Sau Po Centre on […]
LWC-S this year collaborated with IDA to bring the SID 2011 to Singapore Polytechnic in organising the 3 day IT workshop series for senior citizens aged 50 and above.
Japan has the world’s oldest population, with 1 in 5 Japanese over the age of 65. It is very well established in retail services for the elderly, with an expected annual expenditure of S$1.1 trillion. South Korea’s elderly population makes up 11% of the total population, with both the government and private organisations rushing to […]
LWC-S was invited by P&G to be one of their supplier exhibitors to showcase our collaboration and capability to high level personnel in their organisation. Students had the opportunity to prepare for the material needed for the exhibition as well as mingle and share experiences with the P&G visitors at our booth.
Feel free to contact us for more information about the Live Well Collaborative and what we do.